Find office 2013 product key in windows 7
Find office 2013 product key in windows 7

find office 2013 product key in windows 7

$RegKey = 'HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration' If '圆4' Then SetError(1, 0, "Product not found") $bKey = RegRead($RegKey & '\' & $var, 'DigitalProductId') If = '圆4' Then $RegKey = 'HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration' $RegKey = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration' But again, this is the key for Project and Microsoft Office 2013 installation verifies this with the message : This key is for Microsoft Project 2013. When I run my applications that I've created, I get a key with the BWMT4 key, and the applications from the net (Belarc, SterJo, etc.) return the same key.

find office 2013 product key in windows 7

The system I'm testing this program on has Microsoft Business Retail edition installed, and running C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\ cscript ospp.vbs has provided me with two 5-character keys - one for Microsoft Project (BWTM4) and one for Office 2013 (7PYM4). I've checked through the net to find a few suggested programs to get the product key, and then I've delved into making the program myself using both AutoIT and


I've just started working on a task assigned to me by the IT department at work, to create a program that can read the product keys used to install Microsoft Office 2013 and assign it to the computer name, so they can store it in a database in case of recovery being needed (bear in mind this is a company with over 150 systems).

Find office 2013 product key in windows 7