Harry lorayne memory peg list
Harry lorayne memory peg list

harry lorayne memory peg list

harry lorayne memory peg list

You can wait develpo you’re home to do this then go back to check, when you can. Test 1 Read this list of fifteen objects just once - you can take about two minutes to do so. These card peg words are not chosen at random.Īctually, it seems to me that anyone who is asked to give a talk on any particular subject, must know that subject pretty well otherwise why would he jemory asked to talk about it.Ī sheet of paper lying on a carpet would not make a good association. Unless you suffer from dementia or some other form of illness that affects the mind, you do have a fantastic memory. Remember that if you were to dial one wrong digit, you would get the wrong party - so, if only one digit in harrj number is wrong, you get no score on that particular one. If you go over them just every once in a while, they’ll soon be as familiar to you as the numbers from one to one hundred.

harry lorayne memory peg list

As I’ve already mentioned, your normal or true memory does most of the work for you hw systems are just aids that make it easier. Before completing this chapter, please leam the pegs for 26 through to Perry wears a red sweater. This may seem a bit far fetched to you, but it is true, nevertheless. List every ashtray, every piece of furniture, pictures, doodads, etc. That’s why I call this a phonetic alphabet.


See all 3 questions about How to Develop Superpower Memory…. Īlready started using some of the methods. NOW -AT LAST-YOU CAN TRAIN YOUR MEMORY SO THAT YOU. Full text of “How To Develop A SUPER POWER MEMORY Harry Lorayne”. Your $5 becomes $15! Dear Internet Archive Supporter. Donor challenge: Your generous donation will be matched 2-to-1 right now. Harry Lorayne, renowned brainiac, is most famous for his memory I bought a copy of Lorayne’s How to Develop a Super-Power Memory after.

Harry lorayne memory peg list